> 文章列表 > 越努力越幸运用英语怎么说




When it comes to expressing the idea of \"the harder you work, the luckier you will be\" in English, the phrase \"the harder you work, the luckier you will be\" fits perfectly. This phrase emphasizes the direct correlation between effort and good fortune in achieving success.


Data shows that hard work is often a key factor in creating opportunities for success. Research has shown that successful individuals tend to attribute their achievements to hard work rather than luck. In fact, a study conducted by the University of California found that individuals who work hard are more likely to achieve their goals and experience positive outcomes.


There are various English proverbs related to luck, such as \"You are a lucky dog\" which means \"你是一个幸运儿\". Another commonly used proverb is \"The harder you work, the more luck you have\", highlighting the importance of diligence and effort in creating favorable circumstances.


It is often said that success is a combination of hard work and luck. While luck may play a role in certain opportunities, sustained effort and dedication are more reliable indicators of long-term success. Individuals like 赵丽颖 and entrepreneur 任正非 demonstrate that consistent hard work can lead to significant achievements, regardless of initial setbacks.

good luck的意义

The phrase \"good luck\" is a common expression used to convey well wishes for someone\'s success or favorable outcomes. It can be translated as \"祝您好运\" and is often used to offer encouragement and support in various situations.


The words \"fortunate\" and \"lucky\" both convey the idea of being lucky or fortunate, but there are subtle differences in their usage. \"Fortunate\" is considered more formal and is often used in more serious or significant contexts, while \"lucky\" is more casual and commonly used in everyday conversation to express good fortune.


Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between effort and success. Individuals who put in the effort and work diligently towards their goals are more likely to achieve positive outcomes and experience success. This highlights the importance of persistence and hard work in reaching one\'s full potential.