> 文章列表 > 他怎么样用英语怎么说





When describing someone\'s appearance in English, there are multiple ways to do so. You can ask \"What does he look like?\" to get a physical description. To inquire about someone\'s personality or characteristics, the question \"What is he like?\" is suitable. Another option is to ask \"What is his looks/appearance?\" to specifically focus on the outward appearance of a person.


To express the question \"What is he doing?\" in English, you can simply say \"What is he doing?\" For example, if you want to know what someone was doing two hours ago, you can ask \"What did he do two hours ago?\" An alternative phrase could be \"I watched him and wondered what he was doing.\"


1. This item requires the phrase \"What\'s this?\" to be complete, followed by \"It\'s a cup.\" The correct completion would be: \"What\'s this? It\'s a cup.\" The options provided, such as \"in English\" or \"Middle School,\" are unrelated to the question and should be disregarded.


When stating that someone can swim in English, the correct phrase is \"He can swim.\" The word \"can\" is used as a modal verb to express the ability or capability of an individual. For example, \"He can swim in the pool\" showcases his proficiency in swimming.

It was his job to repair bicycles. 沪江网校知识库

In this sentence, \"it\" acts as a placeholder subject, while the true subject is \"to repair bicycles.\" An alternative way to construct the sentence without using \"it\" as the placeholder subject is: \"To repair bicycles was his job.\" This structure emphasizes the action of repairing bicycles as his responsibility.


When transforming the statement \"He can speak English\" into a general question in English, it becomes \"Can he speak English?\" This change involves inverting the subject \"he\" and the verb \"can\" to create an interrogative sentence. It\'s important to note the shift from a declarative statement to an inquisitive form.

whats that怎么讲解?

The phrase \"what\'s that\" is typically used to inquire about the identity or nature of an object or entity. In some cases, \"what\" can serve as both the subject and the object, indicating different entities. For instance, \"I do not know what he is and does\" expresses a lack of knowledge about both the person\'s identity and actions.


To ask \"What is he doing?\" in English, the correct structure is as follows: \"What is he doing?\" When considering personal pronouns, \"I\" corresponds to \"am,\" \"you\" to \"are,\" and \"he/she/it\" to \"is.\" Therefore, for the question \"What am I doing?\" and \"What are you doing?\" refer to the appropriate subject pronouns.

表示也许时 maybe, perhaps, probably有什么区别吗 沪江网校知识库

The words \"maybe,\" \"perhaps,\" and \"probably\" serve as expressions of uncertainty or possibility in English. While all three convey a sense of likelihood, \"maybe\" suggests a lower degree of probability compared to \"perhaps\" and \"probably.\" For example, \"He didn\'t feel well, maybe he got a cold\" indicates a lower level of certainty about the individual having a cold.


Expressing doubt or uncertainty about someone\'s ability to draw in English can be stated as \"I think he can\'t draw.\" This sentence conveys your opinion that the person lacks the skill or talent to create drawings effectively.