> 文章列表 > 表妹用英语怎么说






In English, the term \"sister\" can be used to refer to either an eldest sister or a younger sister. If the distinction of age is necessary, you can specify by using \"elder sister\" or \"younger sister\".


The English word for \"妹妹\" is \"sister\". In Western culture, both \"姐姐\" and \"妹妹\" are commonly referred to as \"sister\". However, when age or specific relationships need to be indicated, it can be further specified as \"elder sister\" or \"younger sister\".


The English translation for \"妹妹\" is \"sister\". Additionally, it can also be expressed as \"Younger sister\" or \"Little sister\". The pronunciation of \"sister\" is [ˈsɪstə]. In English, \"sister\" signifies a sibling relationship.

如何完整描述\"a friend of my sister\'s\"的关系

When it comes to familial relationships, saying \"a friend of my sister\'s\" equates to \"my sister\'s friend\". It\'s a simple way to convey that the person is a friend of your sister.


In English, the term for \"小姨\" can be referred to as \"aunt\". This term encompasses various relationships such as maternal aunts, paternal aunts, or even aunts by marriage. The categorization of relatives in Chinese culture is quite detailed.


The correct English term for \"妹妹\" is \"sister\". It can also imply an elder sister. For a younger sibling with the same parents, it can be specified as younger or little sister. The English language offers various nuances to describe sibling relationships.


The accurate translation of \"那个棕色头发的女孩是我妹妹\" is \"That girl with brown hair is my sister\". It\'s important to maintain correct grammar and sentence structure when translating to ensure clarity and accuracy.


In English, the terms for family members include: father/dad, mother/mum, sister, brother. For specific relationships like elder sister or younger sister, the English language provides options to specify the type of sibling relationship accurately.


If you want to explicitly convey \"姐姐\" in English, you can use \"elder sister\". Similarly, for \"妹妹\", you can opt for \"younger sister\" or \"little sister\". The term \"sister\" covers both elder and younger siblings in English, allowing for clear communication.