> 文章列表 > 非常可爱用英语怎么说




When it comes to describing someone as \"非常可爱\" in English, you can use the term \"adorable\". Adorable carries a sense of extreme cuteness and charm, making it a perfect equivalent to the Chinese expression. For example, you can say \"She is absolutely adorable\" to convey the same meaning.


One possible translation for \"她非常可爱,是因为她有一点点胖” in English could be: \"She is very cute, despite being a bit plump.\" Using the term \"plump\" instead of \"overweight\" provides a softer tone while still conveying the message accurately.


When someone exclaims \"socute\" in admiration, a suitable response could be a simple \"Thank you\" with a smile. Acknowledging the compliment with appreciation shows grace and humility. Alternatively, you can respond with \"I\'m glad you think so\" to modestly accept the praise.


In English, the word for \"可爱\" is \"cute\". It is an adjective that describes something attractive or endearing. Additionally, \"cute\" can also be used as an adverb to describe actions or behavior that is charming or delightful. The comparative form of \"cute\" is \"cuter\" and the superlative form is \"cutest\".


To express \"你很漂亮也很可爱\" in English, you can say \"You are beautiful and cute\" or \"You are beautiful and lovely\". Combining compliments for both beauty and cuteness creates a more impactful and flattering message in English.