> 文章列表 > 有关春节的词句英文翻译





Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. It is a time when Chinese people gather together with their families to celebrate and welcome the arrival of a new lunar year. During this festive season, the streets are decorated with colorful lanterns and traditional red couplets are hung on the doors. Fireworks light up the sky, filling the air with excitement and joy. People exchange greetings and gifts, and children receive red envelopes filled with lucky money. It is a time of happiness, reunion, and hope for a prosperous year ahead.


When it comes to describing Spring Festival in English, here are some key words and phrases:1. Paper-cuts: 剪纸 - An ancient Chinese art form representing various symbols of luck and happiness.2. New Year paintings: 年画 - Traditional Chinese paintings that depict scenes of good fortune, longevity, and prosperity.3. Celebrate the spring festival: 过年 - The phrase used to describe the act of celebrating the Lunar New Year.4. Spring festival couplets: 春联 - Red vertical banners with poetic verses exchanged and displayed on doorways for good luck.5. Firecrackers: 鞭炮 - A common sight and sound during the Spring Festival, believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck.6. Lion dance: 舞狮 - A traditional Chinese dance performed during the Spring Festival, believed to bring luck and ward off evil spirits.7. Lantern festival: 元宵节 - A festival that marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations, where people gather to admire colorful lanterns and solve riddles.8. Family reunion: 家庭团聚 - A time when family members come together to enjoy meals and celebrate the new year.9. Lucky money: 压岁钱 - Red envelopes filled with money given to children as a symbol of good luck and blessings.10. Auspicious greetings: 吉祥话 - Expressions used to convey good wishes, such as \"Wishing you a prosperous year\" or \"May all your dreams come true.\"In terms of greetings and wishes, here are some examples in English:1. Best wishes for the year to come! 恭贺新禧!2. Good luck in the year ahead! 祝吉星高照!3. May you come into a good fortune! 祝你财运亨通!4. Wishing you a year filled with joy and prosperity! 祝你新年快乐,万事如意!5. May all your dreams come true in the new year! 愿你新的一年梦想成真!6. May you be blessed with good health and happiness! 愿你拥有健康和幸福!7. May your days be filled with laughter and love! 愿你的日子充满欢声笑语和爱!These words and phrases capture the essence of Spring Festival and can be used to express good wishes and celebrate the joyous occasion.


Here are 10 sentences related to the Spring Festival in English:1. Happy Chinese New Year! 春节快乐! This is a commonly used greeting during the Spring Festival, wishing others a happy new year.2. May the New Year bring you joy, health, and prosperity. 愿新年带给你快乐、健康和繁荣。 It expresses well wishes for happiness, good health, and success in the new year.3. The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions and celebrations. 春节是家庭团聚和庆祝的时刻。 It highlights the importance of family gatherings and festive celebrations during the Spring Festival.4. Red is the color that symbolizes good luck and prosperity in Chinese culture. 红色是中国文化中象征好运和繁荣的颜色。 It explains the cultural significance of the color red during the Spring Festival.5. Fireworks and firecrackers are a common sight during the Spring Festival celebrations. 春节庆祝活动中常见的景象是烟花和鞭炮。 It describes the lively atmosphere filled with fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival.6. Children receive red envelopes with lucky money during the Spring Festival. 在春节期间,孩子们会收到红包里的压岁钱。 It mentions the tradition of giving red envelopes with money to children for good luck during the Spring Festival.7. Lantern festival marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations with vibrant lantern displays. 元宵节以绚丽的灯笼展示为春节庆祝活动画上句号。 It introduces the Lantern Festival as a special event at the end of the Spring Festival.8. Traditional lion dances are performed to bring good luck and chase away evil spirits. 舞狮表演旨在带来好运和驱逐邪恶的灵气。 It explains the purpose of lion dance performances and their symbolic meaning during the Spring Festival.9. Dumplings are a special food enjoyed during the Spring Festival. 饺子是春节期间的一道特别美食。 It highlights the significance of eating dumplings as a traditional food during the Spring Festival.10. The Spring Festival is a time for reflection, gratitude, and setting new goals for the coming year. 春节是回顾、感恩和制定新目标的时刻。 It emphasizes the importance of reflection, gratitude, and goal-setting as part of the Spring Festival tradition.


Here are some English greetings commonly used during the Spring Festival:1. Best wishes for the year to come! 恭贺新禧! This greeting conveys good wishes for the upcoming year.2. Good luck in the year ahead! 祝吉星高照! It expresses a wish for good luck and success in the coming year.3. May you come into a good fortune! 祝你财运亨通! This expresses a wish for financial prosperity and good luck.4. May the year bring you happiness and fulfillment! 祝你新年快乐,万事如意! This conveys wishes for happiness and success in all endeavors.5. May all your dreams come true in the new year! 愿你新的一年梦想成真! It expresses a wish for the fulfillment of dreams and aspirations in the coming year.6. May you be blessed with good health and happiness! 愿你拥有健康和幸福! This expresses a wish for good health and happiness.7. May your days be filled with laughter and love! 愿你的日子充满欢声笑语和爱! It conveys a wish for joy, laughter, and love in daily life.8. Wishing you a year of prosperity and abundance! 祝你财源滚滚! This expresses a wish for financial prosperity and abundance.9. May peace and harmony be with you and your family in the new year! 愿新年带给你和你的家人和平与和谐! It conveys wishes for peace and harmony among family members in the coming year.10. Sending you warm blessings for a joyful and prosperous year! 祝你新年快乐和繁荣! This expresses warm blessings for joy and prosperity in the coming year.


Here are a few short Chinese sayings about Spring Festival along with their English translations:1. A cheery New Year holds lots of happiness for you! 给你特别的祝福,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意. This saying expresses good wishes for abundant happiness and good luck in the new year.2. Wishing you prosperity and good fortune in the coming year! 愿你喜庆有余、更显吉祥如意. It conveys wishes for celebration, good fortune, and auspiciousness in the new year.3. May the Spring Festival bring you peace, health, and wealth! 愿新春带给你和平、健康、财富. This saying expresses wishes for peace, good health, and financial prosperity during the Spring Festival.4. May the new year be filled with joy and success! 愿新的一年充满欢乐和成功. It conveys wishes for happiness and achievement in the new year.5. Wishing you love, luck, and laughter in the Year of the Ox! 祝你在牛年中拥有爱、运气和笑声. This saying expresses wishes for love, good luck, and laughter in the Year of the Ox.


Spring Festival is China\'s traditional festival, and it usually falls on January 26 this year. During this festive time, Chinese people engage in various activities to celebrate. Families gather together for a reunion dinner, exchange blessings, and good wishes. Streets and houses are adorned with red decorations, symbolizing good fortune and prosperity. Fireworks light up the night sky, filling the air with excitement and joy. Children receive red envelopes filled with lucky money, bringing them happiness and blessings for the year ahead. It is a time when people reflect on the past year and set new goals and aspirations for the coming year. Spring Festival is a time of unity, happiness, and hope that marks the beginning of a new cycle in the lunar calendar.


Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important and widely celebrated festival in China. It is a time when families come together to celebrate the beginning of the lunar calendar year. The festival is characterized by a series of traditional customs and activities. People clean their houses to sweep away bad luck and welcome the spirit of the New Year. Red decorations, such as lanterns and couplets, are put up to bring good fortune and ward off evil spirits. Traditional foods, like dumplings and fish, are prepared and enjoyed during the festive season. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off to create a lively atmosphere and chase away evil spirits. Lion and dragon dances are performed to bring good luck and prosperity. Children receive red envelopes filled with lucky money, symbolizing good wishes for a prosperous future. People also visit temples and pray for blessings in the coming year. It is a time of joy, reunion, and hope for a prosperous and auspicious year ahead.


Here are some English words and phrases related to Spring Festival:1. Nian-gao: 年糕 - A sticky rice cake traditionally eaten during the Spring Festival.2. Family reunion dinner: 团圆饭 - A special meal where family members come together to celebrate and enjoy a feast.3. New Year\'s Eve dinner: 年夜饭 - A feast held on New Year\'s Eve to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year.4. Dragon dance: 舞龙 - A traditional dance performed during the Spring Festival, symbolizing prosperity and good luck.5. Lantern festival: 元宵节 - A festival held on the 15th day of the lunar new year, where lanterns are lit and riddle-solving activities take place.6. Spring couplets: 春联 - Red vertical banners with poetic verses used to decorate doorways and bring good luck and blessings.7. Firecrackers: 鞭炮 - Loud firecrackers traditionally set off during the Spring Festival to scare away evil spirits.8. Red envelopes: 红包 - Small red envelopes filled with money given to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck.9. Lion dance: 舞狮 - A traditional dance performed during the Spring Festival, believed to bring good fortune and chase away evil spirits.10. Auspicious greetings: 吉祥话 - Expressions and phrases used to convey good wishes and blessings during the Spring Festival celebrations.These words and phrases encapsulate the traditions and customs associated with Spring Festival and are used to enhance the festive atmosphere and convey good wishes.


Here are some popular expressions and phrases in English that capture the spirit of Spring Festival:1. Happy Chinese New Year! 新春快乐! It is a simple and cheerful greeting used during the Spring Festival.2. Wish you every success! 祝你万事如意! This expresses a wish for success and good luck in all endeavors.3. Two dragons soar! 二龙腾飞! It is an expression that conveys the idea of progress and prosperity.4. Auspicious beginning of the year! 三阳开泰! This phrase signifies the start of a new year filled with good luck and favorable conditions.5. May your dreams come true in the new year! 愿你新年梦想成真! It expresses a wish for the realization of dreams and aspirations in the coming year.6.