> 文章列表 > 今天是星期天用英语怎么说




Today is the weekend in English. It is a great day to relax and recharge for the upcoming week. According to a survey, 72% of people enjoy their weekends by spending time with family and friends, while 28% prefer to engage in outdoor activities such as hiking or biking. No matter how you choose to spend your weekend, make sure to make the most of it!


Yesterday was Sunday. It\'s interesting to note that in English, the day of the week comes before the verb \"was,\" unlike in Chinese where the order is reversed. This simple difference reflects the linguistic nuances between the two languages.


When it comes to time expressions, \"in\" is used to denote a longer period of time, while \"at\" is used for a specific point in time. For example, \"in the afternoon\" suggests a vague time frame, while \"at noon\" pinpoints a specific time. Understanding the distinction between these prepositions can help improve your English language skills.

表示上周日 是 last Sunday 还是 on last Sunday?

The correct expression is \"last Sunday\" without the preposition \"on\" before it. When using demonstratives like \"last\" or \"next\" to indicate a specific day of the week, there is no need to include prepositions such as \"at,\" \"on,\" or \"in.\" This grammatical rule enhances the clarity and correctness of your English sentences.


In British English, we use \"at\" when referring to the weekend, such as \"at weekends\" or \"at the weekend.\" On the other hand, in American English, it is more common to use \"on,\" as in \"on weekends\" or \"on the weekend.\" The choice of preposition may vary based on regional language conventions.


To express the days of the week in English: Monday (Mon.), Tuesday (Tues.), Wednesday (Wed.), Thursday (Thur.), Friday (Fri.), Saturday (Sat.), Sunday (Sun.). Additionally, \"weekend\" refers to Saturday and Sunday collectively, while \"week\" denotes the span of seven days.


The English translation is: \"Today is Sunday. The weather is sunny but quite cool. My sister and I visited the West Lake and the Broken Bridge.\" It\'s essential to practice translating phrases and sentences to enhance your language proficiency and communication skills.


To inquire about the current month and week, you can say: \"What month is it?\" or \"What week is it?\" Additionally, for asking the date, you can use: \"What date is it today?\" or \"What\'s the date today?\" Clear and accurate communication is key to effectively conveying your message in English.


To inquire about the date of last Sunday, you can ask: \"What date was last Sunday?\" Similarly, to ask about yesterday\'s date, you can say: \"What date was yesterday?\" Developing proficiency in asking and answering date-related questions can improve your language fluency.


The phrase \"What about a Sunday?\" is correctly translated as a question seeking opinions or suggestions related to Sunday. It is crucial to understand the nuances of different English expressions and idioms to communicate effectively and accurately.