> 文章列表 > 在同一所学校用英语怎么说





They go to the same school in Beijing. It\'s interesting to see how education brings people together in a shared learning environment, fostering friendships and mutual understanding.


We are in the same school, but we are not in the same class. This situation is quite common in larger educational institutions where students are divided into different classes based on various criteria such as age or academic performance.


In the same team. The concept of teamwork is crucial in various aspects of life, whether it\'s sports, work, or academic projects. Being part of the same team means working together towards a common goal.


At the same class. Being in the same class with someone can create a strong bond and sense of camaraderie, as you navigate through assignments, exams, and group projects together.


If you finish before 3:00 PM, you will receive an additional 10 points. Meeting deadlines and being punctual are important skills that can lead to success in various areas of life, including academics and professional work.


Mike and Tom are in the same school but in different classes. It\'s fascinating how two individuals can share the same educational institution yet have unique experiences and interactions in their respective classes.


She and I are all students. Please hurry up. Cooperation and effective communication are essential in group settings, whether it\'s studying together for an exam or working on a team project.


When it comes to friendship, having someone who shares similar experiences and memories from childhood can create a strong bond. Growing up together in the same elementary and middle schools can lead to lifelong friendships based on shared history and understanding.


In English, you can refer to \"these classes\" (referring to the same type of classes) as \"class lessons.\" This term encompasses a group of classes that belong to the same subject or category.


Living in the same dormitory is our fate. Sharing living spaces with others can lead to unique connections and friendships, as you navigate the ups and downs of daily life together under the same roof.