> 文章列表 > 大甩卖用英语怎么说




When it comes to expressing the concept of \"大甩卖\" in English, the term \"on sale\" is often used. This phrase encapsulates the idea of discounted prices and special promotions, making it a common choice in retail settings.


For translating the phrase \"Today we store special sale\" into English, a more accurate rendition would be \"Today, our store is having a special promotion.\" This conveys the message of a special discount or sale event taking place at the store.


When it comes to finding the English equivalents for \"大甩卖\", the commonly used terms include \"on sale\" and \"on special\". These phrases are frequently utilized in retail and marketing contexts to convey the idea of discounted prices or special offers.


In English, the word \"sale\" encompasses various meanings and usages. It can refer to the act of selling goods or services, the process of conducting auctions, the total revenue generated from sales, or the act of selling something at a discounted price or clearance event. This versatility of meanings makes \"sale\" a versatile term in both commercial and everyday language.


The translated content \"You can buy books when they are on sale\" effectively conveys the message that customers have the opportunity to purchase books at discounted prices during a sale event. This promotes the idea of attracting customers through special offers and promotions.


When we have a sale, please come and buy clothes from us. Our store offers highly affordable prices, with sweaters priced at only 13 yuan each. Take advantage of this opportunity to refresh your wardrobe without breaking the bank.


The clothes are on sale in our store, so don\'t miss out on the opportunity to update your wardrobe at a discounted price. Come and buy your favorite pieces before the sale ends!


The English word for \"买\" is \"buy\". This verb can be used to denote the act of purchasing or acquiring something in exchange for money. With the pronunciation [baɪ] in British English and [baɪ] in American English, \"buy\" is a fundamental term in commerce and daily transactions.


Engaging in a conversation about buying clothes during a sale event can be both fun and practical. Use phrases like \"Hello, may I have a look at this? Can you do me a favor? How much does it cost?\" to initiate a dialogue with the salesperson. This interaction not only facilitates the purchasing process but also adds a touch of excitement to the shopping experience.

【英语翻译.Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing\'s great sale! Do y...】

For the English translation of \"Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing\'s great sale! Do y...\", the message encourages customers to take advantage of the fantastic deals available at the Huaxing store. With an enticing invitation to shop at a sale event, this phrase aims to attract shoppers and highlight the value of the discounted items.