> 文章列表 > 请用英语怎么说




When it comes to expressing politeness in English, the word \"please\" is the go-to term. According to the dictionary, \"please\" can be used as both an adverb (adv.) and a verb (v.), meaning to make someone happy, satisfied, willing, or to please. For example, a common usage could be \"Please come with me.\"


When translating \"请\" into English, the equivalent term is \"please\" [pliːz]. This simple word embodies the essence of politeness and courtesy in English-speaking cultures. It is often used in various contexts to request, ask, or express gratitude. So, remember to always use \"please\" to add a touch of politeness to your language.


If you want to ask someone to speak in English, you can politely say \"please speak English\" or \"please say that in English.\" By using these phrases, you can effectively communicate your language preference and ensure clear understanding between both parties.


When you need to ask someone to make a call, you can say \"Please call\" to convey your request. This simple yet direct phrase is commonly used in English to instruct someone to dial a phone number and reach out to a particular person or organization. So, feel free to use \"Please call\" when you need to make a phone call in English.


For the English equivalent of \"请稍等\" or \"请稍后\", you can use the phrase \"Just a moment, please.\" This concise expression conveys the idea of asking someone to wait briefly or to hold on for a short period. By using \"Just a moment, please,\" you can politely indicate that you need some time to attend to a task before responding or moving forward.


When you want someone to speak in Mandarin or Chinese, you can politely request by saying \"Please speak in Mandarin\" or \"Please speak in Chinese.\" These phrases help establish clear communication expectations and ensure that both parties understand each other\'s language preferences. So, don\'t hesitate to use these polite requests when needed.


For asking someone to spell out the word \"hello\" in English, you can say \"Please spell the word \'hello\'.\" By using this clear instruction, you can communicate your request for correct spelling and ensure that the person understands what you are asking for. Remember, effective communication is key in language learning and understanding.


When it comes to expressing gratitude or asking for someone\'s continued support in English, you can say \"Nice to meet you. Please continue your favor.\" This phrase conveys appreciation and a request for ongoing support or assistance from the person you are addressing. So, feel free to use this polite expression in English-speaking contexts.


If you need to ask someone to follow you or come over to a specific location in English, you can say \"Please come over here with me\" or \"Please follow me this way.\" These phrases help guide the person to your desired destination and ensure clear communication of your intentions. So, use these polite requests to lead someone to where you need them to go.


For translating phrases from Chinese to Dutch, you can use the following translations:- 你好 (Hello)- 早上好 (Good morning)- 晚上好 (Good evening)- 你好吗? (How are you?)Remember to use these Dutch phrases when communicating with native Dutch speakers to ensure clear understanding and respectful interactions.