> 文章列表 > 我喜欢打乒乓球用英语怎么说





Playing ping-pong is my cup of tea, even though my skills may not be top-notch.


I enjoy playing ping-pong because it not only helps me stay fit but also has a positive impact on my eyes. Especially for students, it can prevent myopia caused by prolonged close-range viewing.


I like playing basketball and badminton because it keeps me physically active. Although I find English a bit challenging, I can manage to say, \"I like playing basketball and badminton because it can exercise the body.\"


I love playing table tennis. I can never get enough of it.


When it comes to my favorite sports, I like to play badminton and ping-pong. My favorite sport involves a racket and a lot of activity.


Among my plethora of hobbies, playing ping-pong stands out as my absolute favorite. I have been a fan since childhood.


Table tennis, or ping-pong, is my go-to sport. Nothing beats the thrill of a good game.


I am thirteen years old and attend NO2 middle school. I have a passion for volleyball, football, basketball, and table tennis.


Hello everyone! I am a student at Guangming Primary School, twelve years old. I am thrilled to be part of this community. As for my favorite sports, I enjoy playing badminton and ping-pong.


I am a sports enthusiast and a collector. I love watching sports on TV and own a collection of equipment. Among my items are six footballs, seven basketballs, and eight ping-pong paddles. Ping-pong holds a special place in my heart as it brings me joy and relaxation.