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When it comes to describing a location or direction in English, it is essential to use the correct prepositions. For example, we can say \"on the opposite of\" to indicate that something is across from another location. An example of this would be: The pub is on the opposite of the Post Office.


When discussing locations in English, the prepositions used can vary slightly in their nuances. For instance, \"across from\" is commonly used in American English to indicate something is directly opposite another location. On the other hand, \"over against\" is more informal and emphasizes the direct opposition. An example of using \"across from\" would be: The library is just across from our school.

麻烦老师说一下across 和through 的区别_沪江网校知识库

The distinction between \"across\" and \"through\" lies in their spatial implications. \"Across\" implies a movement across the surface of an object, indicating a transition from one side to the other. Meanwhile, \"through\" is more versatile and can refer to movement in time or space, encompassing both 3D and planar scenarios. An example of using \"across\" would be: Walk straight on and then turn across the street, the library will be on the right-hand side.

excuse 和sorry 的区别?能举个例子吗?_沪江网校知识库

When it comes to politeness and social conventions, using the right phrases is crucial. \"Excuse me\" and \"Sorry\" are common expressions that both convey apologies or polite requests. \"Excuse me\" can be used to get someone\'s attention or show respect, while \"Sorry\" is a general apology. For instance, you can say \"Excuse me, could you repeat that?\" to politely ask someone to clarify their statement.


1. There is a bird in the box. This sentence indicates the presence of a bird in a particular location, showcasing the usage of prepositions.2. Are there any CDs in your study? This question inquires about the existence of CDs in a specific place, demonstrating how prepositions help specify locations.3. Go straight on and then turn right. The library will be on the right-hand side of the street, across from the cinema. This set of directions uses prepositions to provide clear guidance on navigating through a space.


When passing by the post office, you will see him on the other side of the road. This sentence illustrates the use of prepositions to describe relative locations and directions in English.


When discussing movement across different spaces, it is important to use the correct prepositions. In this case, \"through\" is the appropriate choice to indicate traversing through the park. Whereas \"across\" would signify moving over or across a surface, \"through\" implies moving within a space. For example, you can say \"I walked through the park\" to describe your journey through the park.


When engaging in casual conversation, it is common to inquire about someone\'s presence. In English, you can ask \"Are you there?\" when calling someone, or \"Are you online?\" to check if they are available on the internet. These phrases help establish communication and maintain engagement with others.


Prepositions are crucial in describing relationships between objects and locations. Common prepositions include \"in\" for inside a space, \"on\" for on top of something, \"under\" for beneath, \"above\" for over, \"below\" for under, \"behind\" for at the back of, and \"in front of\" for ahead of. By using these prepositions effectively, you can provide clear and concise descriptions of spatial arrangements.


Yes, there is a restaurant opposite that one. This sentence conveys the idea that there is another restaurant directly across from the specified location, demonstrating how prepositions help specify relative positions in English.