> 文章列表 > 我困了用英语怎么说




Feeling tired and ready to hit the hay? In English, you can simply say \"I\'m sleepy now, I want to sleep.\" It\'s a straightforward way to express your need for some shut-eye.


When you\'re feeling extremely drowsy, you can use a less colloquial term like \"I feel very somnolent.\" This word was suggested by an American as a more precise and formal way to convey your level of sleepiness.


When it comes to translating sleep-related words into English, here are a few examples: to nap; to sleep (睡); to dream (睡梦); water lily (睡莲); sleeping bag (睡袋); to sleep soundly/to be fast asleep (熟睡); to fall asleep (入睡). These terms cover different aspects of the sleep experience.


If you simply want to convey your desire to sleep in English, you can say \"I want to sleep.\" It\'s a clear and concise way to express your intention to catch some Z\'s.


For online signaling that you\'re going to sleep, you can say \"I wana offline.\" And if you want to express both going offline and going to sleep, you can use \"I wana off the line and go to sleep.\" It\'s a quick and informal way to let others know you\'re signing off for the night.


1. Yesterday, right after school, I headed straight back home. 2. This morning, I dozed off on the train. 3. Can w...? Sometimes, life throws unexpected sleep opportunities our way.


When it comes to indicating the intention to sleep in English, it\'s best to avoid redundancy. Using \"going to bed\" without adding \"go to\" is a common practice in English to streamline the expression. And let\'s take a moment to reflect on the confusing terms \"American\" and \"US\"—one refers to the country, while the other just to the continent. Quite a mix-up, right?


If you want to express both being in the process of sleeping and feeling very drowsy in English, you can say \"I am sleeping. I\'m sleepy.\" It covers both the current state of slumber and the strong desire for more rest. Remember, a well-rested mind is a productive mind!


Whether you need the translation in English or Japanese, here it is: \"I get up at 7:00 in the morning. I go to school at 7:30. I have lunch at 12:00.\" It\'s a simple breakdown of a typical morning routine.


When looking for a single word to replace \"sleeping,\" \"asleep\" is a great choice. It succinctly conveys the state of being asleep. On the other hand, \"sleepy\" emphasizes the feeling of drowsiness. Both terms have their nuances, so choose the one that best fits your context.