> 文章列表 > 他12岁用英语怎么说





When a young boy reaches the age of 12, it can be expressed as \"He is twelve years old\". This age is an exciting time full of growth and development.


When referring to the boy in a white shirt who is Michael and is 12 years old, you can say \"Who is the boy in a white shirt? It\'s Michael, he is 12 years old\". This age marks the transition from childhood to adolescence.

老师 请问11、12岁 可以叫做teenager吗?

In English, the term \"teenager\" generally refers to individuals between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. So, 11 and 12-year-olds are not typically referred to as teenagers, but rather as pre-teens or tweens.


Celebrating someone\'s 12th birthday in English can be expressed as \"On his 12th birthday\". It\'s a special milestone that marks another year of growth and experiences.


When conversing about ages in English, the question \"How old are you?\" corresponds to \"你几岁了?\" and the answer \"I\'m five years old.\" translates to \"我五岁\". Similarly, \"How old is he?\" corresponds to \"他几岁了?\" and \"He\'s twelve years old.\" translates to \"他十二岁\". These conversations help practice English language skills.


For a prompt translation of \"On his 12th birthday\" in English, you can say \"on the date of his twelfth birthday\". This phrase captures the essence of celebrating a special day in someone\'s life.


When stating your age in English, you can say \"I am 12 years old\" or \"I am twelve\". Similarly, when referring to someone else\'s age, you can say \"He is 12 years old\". These expressions convey the simple yet significant information about one\'s age.

under the age of 12包括12岁吗?

The phrase \"under the age of 12\" does not include the age of 12 itself. It refers to individuals below the age of 12, emphasizing those younger than 12 years old. This distinction is important in legal and policy contexts.


Learning languages knows no age limit. It\'s inspiring to hear that someone\'s father started learning English in his forties, proving that dedication and determination are key to acquiring new skills at any stage of life.


Describing a friend named Jim who is 12 years old and from Canada, the English translation can be as follows: \"I have a good friend named Jim. He is twelve years old and hails from Canada. He stands much taller than most, adding to his charming personality.\"