> 文章列表 > 包子英语怎么说




In Chinese cuisine, \"包子\" is a popular type of steamed bun that is usually filled with meat or vegetables. The English translation for \"包子\" is \"steamed stuffed bun.\" The steamed stuffed bun is a delicious and satisfying treat enjoyed by many people around the world.


When it comes to expressing \"包子\" in English, the term \"steamed bun with stuffing\" is commonly used. For example, a \"肉包子\" can be referred to as a \"steamed bun with meat stuffing.\" This translation accurately conveys the essence of the traditional Chinese dish to English speakers.


The English word for \"包子\" is \"Steamed dumpling.\" If you want to specify the type of filling, you can say \"Steamed dumpling with meat stuffing\" for \"肉包子\" or \"Steamed dumpling with vegetable\" for \"菜包子.\" These translations help capture the variety and flavors of different types of steamed dumplings.


When it comes to translating various Chinese steamed goods into English, we have: \"花卷\" as \"steamed roll,\" \"馒头\" as \"steamed bread,\" and \"包子\" as \"steamed stuffed bun.\" These English equivalents accurately describe the texture and composition of these beloved traditional Chinese foods.


The English word for \"包子\" is spelled as \"steamed stuffed bun.\" This translation stays true to the essence of the dish and reflects its preparation method and ingredients accurately.


In English, \"baozi\" is referred to as \"bun.\" As a noun, the word \"bun\" is countable. It can refer to not just \"包子\" but also other items like \"小圆甜蛋糕\" or \"圆发髻.\" Therefore, \"baozi\" can be both singular and plural, depending on the context in which it\'s used.

steamed buns是复数对吗?

The term \"steamed bun\" is the correct translation for \"包子.\" In English, it is not typically used in the plural form. Instead, \"steamed bun\" is considered a mass noun, reflecting the concept of a type of steamed food generally without emphasizing individual units.


<p\"包子\" is countable in English. Similar to \"饺子\" (dumplings), the English term \"dumpling\" can be used for both \"baozi\" and \"jiaozi,\" and it can be pluralized as \"dumplings\" when referring to multiple pieces. This linguistic evolution is evident in dictionaries and sources like Wikipedia.


For those curious about the English translations of Chinese dishes, we have: \"包子\" as \"Steamed stuffed bun,\" \"凉皮\" as \"Cool skin,\" and \"沙锅\" as \"Earthen pot.\" These renderings capture the essence and characteristics of these culinary delights for international audiences.


When it comes to expressing \"馒头,\" \"包子,\" and \"花卷\" in English, we have: \"Steamedbread\" for 馒头, \"steamed stuffed bun\" or \"rolls\" for 包子, and \"steamed roll\" for 花卷. These translations effectively convey the unique qualities of these Chinese delicacies to a broader audience.