> 文章列表 > 你想买什么用英语怎么说




Can I assist you in finding something today? Or perhaps, may I inquire about your shopping needs?


When inquiring about your desired purchase, you can politely ask \"Can I help you?\" or directly ask \"What do you want to buy?\"


If you are wondering what to say when shopping, you can politely phrase it as \"Then, what do you wish to purchase?\" Alternatively, you can ask in a more casual tone, \"And what do you prefer?\"


When inquiring about someone\'s shopping preferences, you can elegantly ask \"What do you want to buy?\" To inquire about color preferences, a simple \"What color do you like?\" will suffice.


Buying items involves the act of acquiring goods through monetary or other exchange methods. In English, the term \"buy\" is commonly used to express purchasing intentions. For example, one can say \"I want to buy a new dress\" to indicate a desire for a new wardrobe addition.


When expressing the desire to purchase a watch, you can simply state \"I want to buy a watch\" in English.