> 文章列表 > 吃饱了英语怎么说





When you\'re stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, you can simply say \"I am full,\" much like the enthusiasm you feel when your favorite TV show is back. The feeling of satisfaction when your stomach is about to burst can be succinctly expressed in English as \"I am full.\"


When your plate is clean and your stomach is content, you can politely reply, \"Yes, I did.\" This response is as satisfying as finding the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle.


The English expression for \"吃晚饭\" is simply \"have dinner.\" Just like how the sun sets at the end of the day, having dinner marks the completion of your culinary journey for the evening.


Both \"stuffed\" and \"full\" can be used to describe the sensation of being satisfied after eating, but they have slight differences in meaning. \"Stuffed\" usually implies overeating and feeling uncomfortably full, like attempting to fit a third dessert in after a big meal. On the other hand, \"full\" carries a sense of contentment and adequacy, like having just enough dessert to end a meal.


If you want to play it cool like Tom Hanks (maybe without the train stations), you can say phrases like \"I\'ve had too much to eat!\" or \"I\'m going to burst!\" These expressions convey the idea of being stuffed to the brim, like a balloon about to pop.

当外国朋友邀请你多吃点东西而你已经吃饱了的时候。英语中直接回答I am full ,thanks是不是很不礼貌呢?

When faced with the generosity of foreign friends offering more food after you\'ve reached your limits, a direct response like \"I am full, thanks\" is actually considered quite polite. Foreigners appreciate straightforwardness and honesty, so a simple response is often the best choice in such situations.


For breakfast, you can say \"I\'ve just finished my breakfast.\" For lunch, the suitable phrase is \"I\'ve just finished my lunch.\" And for dinner, you can express it as \"I\'ve just finished my dinner.\" These statements are as clear and satisfying as wiping your plate clean after a delicious meal.


When faced with the choice of more orange juice, the correct answer is \"I have had enough.\" This phrase can be used to politely decline more food or drink after you feel satisfied, much like politely refusing a second helping of dessert.


1. To have breakfast - \"Have breakfast\"2. To have lunch - \"Have lunch\"3. To have dinner - \"Have dinner\"4. To finish a meal - \"Finish a meal\" After breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you can opt to finish your meal with a satisfying conclusion.


If your stomach is content and you\'ve reached your limit, you can express it in English by saying \"I have had enough.\" This phrase conveys the sense of fullness and satisfaction that comes with enjoying a good meal.