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The word \"academy\" is pronounced as [əˈkædəmi]. It refers to a school, college, or institute for a specific subject or field of study. For example, \"He is a student in an academy.\"


The term \"school\" in Chinese translates to \"学校.\" It is a place where students, especially those in middle schools, are required to build a strong foundation in English. Therefore, 中学生学习英语 is essential.


在中国教育体制中,不同学校阶段有不同的称呼。小学可以称为primary school,初中是middle school,而高中则是high school。而大学有两种称谓,分别是college或者university。因此,我们可以说小学生是primary school students。

goes to school与to school的区别

The phrase \"~ to school\" indicates the action of going to school without specifying the verb in context, while \"goes to school\" includes the verb \"goes\" that indicates the action of going to school. Therefore, \"~ to school\" cannot stand alone as a predicate, unlike \"goes to school\" which can.


要用英语表示英语书,我们说\"English book\"。其中,English指的是英语这门学科,涵盖英语语言文学和英语学科。因此,英语书的正确表达应为English book。


To express the idea of going to school from Monday to Friday in English, you can say \"I go to school from Monday to Friday.\" This routine is common among students who typically start their day at seven.


1. University - 指的是综合性大学,如耶鲁大学、清华大学和北京大学。2. College - 也是大学的意思,但可泛指任何一所大学,如Yale University。


The differences lie in the usage context: \"at school\" and \"in school\" both mean being at or attending the school, while \"in the school\" refers to being inside the school building, not necessarily for academic purposes. On the other hand, \"at the school\" indicates being at the school premises for activities other than studying.


In English, \"高中\" can be referred to as \"Senior High School\" in China or simply \"High School\" in other English-speaking countries. The final year of high school can also be called the \"senior year\" in the United States.


To express the idea of being at school in English, you can use both \"at school\" and \"in the school\" interchangeably.