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<a href="http://www.englishok.com.cn/tag/yy-5" title="View all posts in 英语" target="_blank" style="color:#0ec3f3;font-size: 18px;font-weight: 600;">英语</a>代词与发音改写-ZOL问答


你(们):you 你(们)的:your我:I 我的:my她:she 她的 her他he 他的 his我们:us 我们的:our Every language learner has encountered the challenge of learning personal pronouns in English. With \"you,\" \"I,\" \"he,\" \"she,\" \"they,\" and others, mastering these pronouns is crucial for effective communication.

这里的their是什么形式 为什么不是they mother_沪江网校知识库

同学问这句话是“Why do the children thank their mother?”中的“their mother”这个短语吗? their是形容词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词有:my, Understanding the difference between possessive pronouns like \"their\" and subject pronouns like \"they\" is key to accurate language use.


我:I am你:you are他,她,它:he\\she\\it is我们:we are你们:you are他们:they are In English, understanding the correlation between personal pronouns and the corresponding forms of the verb \"to be\" is essential for constructing proper sentences.


英文是:where are you.例句:苏菲,你在哪里?Sophie, where are you?扩展资料你在哪里学的`烹调?Where did you learn to cook?你在哪里买到这。 Mastering common phrases like \"Where are you?\" is vital for everyday conversations, as it helps in locating people, objects, or actions.


I 主格 me 宾格you 主格 you 宾格he 主格 his 宾格she 主格 her 宾格it 主格 its 宾格we 主格 us 宾格you 主格 you 宾格they 主格 them 宾格t The knowledge of subject and object pronouns in English is fundamental for constructing grammatically correct sentences and expressing ideas clearly.


看后面的名词是单数还是复数就OK了如:You are a good girl!这里有冠词a,当然是指“你”一个人喽!You are my best friends!你们是我最好的朋友.这里 Understanding the context and identifying whether \"you\" refers to a singular or plural entity is crucial for effective communication in English.

work和water 辨音_沪江网校知识库

~ [w]work[/w] 的音标为:[wɜ:k] [w]water[/w] 的音标为: [ˈwɔ:tə(r)] 它们的发音不同哦~ 同学可以戳[url=http://www.hjenglish.co Correct pronunciation is essential for distinguishing between words like \"work\" and \"water,\" as it ensures clear communication and eliminates ambiguity.


很简单啊!are就是是的意思那是一个动词来的.(那就是英文和中文的相差啦)简单来说we=我们are=是hungry=饿 (讲起来很怪,我们是饥饿的!那是什么东西啊 Understanding the nuances of English verbs like \"are\" and their equivalent meanings in other languages can be both fascinating and challenging, highlighting the rich diversity of global communication.


英文是:Hi, everybody.例句:The news heartened everybody.这个消息鼓舞了每个人。扩展资料Everybody takes pleasure in eating. Greetings like \"Hi, everybody\" play a vital role in establishing connections and fostering positive interactions, enhancing the social fabric of diverse communities.


everybody ,all It means that everybody should resist Japan,that all should unite and strive for prog The word \"everybody\" embodies inclusivity and collective action, emphasizing the importance of unity and progress in societal development.