> 文章列表 > 你叫什么名字英文




When it comes to introducing yourself in English, the classic phrase to use is \"What\'s your name?\" This simple question is a great icebreaker in any conversation.


Another way to ask someone for their name in English is \"What\'s your name?\" This phrase is commonly used in both formal and casual settings.


If you prefer a slightly more formal tone, you can ask \"What is your name?\" This variation of the question is still widely understood in English-speaking countries.


Once you\'ve asked someone for their name, they might respond with \"My name is...\" or simply \"I\'m...\" This is a common way to introduce oneself in English.


In English, \"What\'s your name?\" is often written as \"what\'s your name?\" and could be phonetically represented as \"哇次要内?\" when transliterated into Chinese characters.


When someone asks you \"What\'s your name?\" in English, you can respond with \"My name is...\" or simply \"I am...\" followed by your name. This is a common introduction pattern in English.


Translating \"你的名字是什么?\" into English results in \"What is your name?\" It\'s a direct and clear way to inquire about someone\'s name in English.


When politely asking for someone\'s name in English, you can say \"Please tell me your name\" or simply \"What\'s your name?\" This shows respect and courtesy in the conversation.


When stating your own name in English, you can say \"My name is...\" followed by your name. For example, \"My name is John.\" This is a common way to introduce yourself in English.


When asked how to spell your name in English, you can respond with \"What\'s your name?\" This question is commonly used to clarify the spelling of someone\'s name in English.