> 文章列表 > 你知道吗英文




When it comes to expressing \"你知道吗\" in English, people in the United States or in casual conversations usually add \"that\" at the end, similar to how we say \"do you know?\" or \"do you know about that?\"


There are two common ways to express \"你知道了吗\" in English: 1. Do you know? 2. Do you understand?


If you want to ask \"你想知道吗\" in English, you can simply say \"Do you want to know?\" Feel free to keep asking for more information if you still have doubts!

15-2 18.12第二句这里的you know 是你知道的还是你知道吗

When someone says \"You know\", it is a common colloquial expression, which means \"你知道的\". Even if it is in the form of a question, it implies that the speaker assumes the other person already knows the information. It can also be used as a rhetorical question, suggesting \"你不知道吗?\" So, in this context, \"You know\" is the appropriate translation.


When translated to English, \"你知道吗\" can be expressed as \"Do you know?\" or \"Do you understand?\" There is no such phrase as \"Are you know.\"


To say \"你知道我喜欢你吗?\" in English, you can simply say \"Do you know I like you?\"


In situations where we need to give direct opinions, phrases like \"no offense\" can be used before stating something bluntly. For example, if you want to criticize a friend\'s crush, you can say \"no offense, but he\'s not that cute.\" This phrase prepares the listener for what is to come.


The phrase \"不知道\" can be translated to \"dont know.\" For example, \"I dont know how this happened.\" Or \"You dont know any of my friends.\"


To ask \"你知道她多大吗\" in English, you can say \"Do you know how old she is?\"


Generally, \"你知道我是谁吗\" can be translated to \"Do you know who I am?\" If you want the other person to guess, you can say \"Guess who I am.\"