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view, sight, scene, scenery的区别?_沪江网校知识库

When traveling to different places, it\'s important to understand the differences between \"view,\" \"sight,\" \"scene,\" and \"scenery.\" A view refers to what you can see from a specific location, while a sight is something interesting or beautiful to see. A scene is a view that is pleasing to the eye, and scenery encompasses all the natural views and features of a particular area. For example, when exploring Hong Kong by bus, tourists can enjoy the sights of the city while taking in the beautiful scenery. Understanding these terms can enhance your travel experience and appreciation of the surroundings.


长城,又称万里长城,是中国的标志性建筑之一,被称为the Great Wall。它的全长达到8851.8公里,起始于辽东虎山,终点在嘉峪关。长城不仅是中国历史的见证,也是世界文化遗产。主要景点包括山海关长城和嘉峪关长城,吸引着无数游客来此探访。


在英语中,万里长城通常被称为the Great Wall或Chinese Wall。虽然有人认为\"Great Wall\"有些贬义,但事实上,它是长城的标准翻译。长城是中国的骄傲,也代表着中国的历史和文化。因此,“Great Wall”这一称呼更准确地反映了长城的伟大和重要性。

为什么长城的英语是great wall不是long wall?

长城被翻译为\"The Great Wall\"而不是\"Long Wall\"有两个主要原因。首先,汉语中的“长”具有多重含义,不仅指长的距离,还包含了优点、特色等意义,因此直译为\"long\"可能无法完全表达长城的内涵。其次,\"Great Wall\"一词更加准确地突出了长城的伟大和壮丽,符合长城作为世界奇迹之一的地位。


“万里长城”在英语中通常被称为“The Great Wall”。这一翻译准确地表达了长城的宏伟和重要性,体现了中国悠久的历史和文化。例如,“The Great Wall is a wonder”展示了长城作为世界遗产的独特魅力。


长城被称为\"Great Wall\"有两个主要原因。首先,汉语中的“长”包含了更多的意义,不仅指长的距离,还蕴含崇高、宏伟等含义。因此,\"Great Wall\"更准确地传达了长城的形象和历史意义。其次,\"Great Wall\"一词突出了长城作为世界奇迹之一的地位,体现了其在世界历史和文化中的重要性。


长城通常被翻译为Great Wall(伟大的墙),故宫被称为Palace Museum(宫殿博物馆),而天坛则被称为Temple of Heaven(天庙)。这些称谓准确地反映了这些中国文化遗产的特点和历史价值。


长城之所以被翻译为\"The Great Wall\"而不是\"Long Wall\"是因为长城不仅仅是长,还体现了中国悠久历史和文化的伟大。\"Great\"一词突出了长城作为世界奇迹之一的地位,强调了其壮丽和重要性。了解长城的历史和文化背景,有助于更好地欣赏这一世界奇迹。


长城的英文翻译是the Great Wall,这一翻译准确地反映了长城的宏伟和重要性。作为中国的标志性建筑之一,长城代表着中国悠久的历史和文化遗产。


How high is the Great Wall? What materials is it made of? And what is the purpose of the Great Wall? The Great Wall is 7.5 meters in height and was originally constructed using materials like bricks, stones, and wood. Its main purpose was to keep out invaders and protect the Chinese territories from external threats.