> 文章列表 > 现在几点了的英文




When someone asks you \"现在几点了?\" in Chinese, the answer in English would be \"what\'s the time now?\" and the response could be \"It\'s 8 o\'clock.\"


When you want to ask someone about the current time in English, you would say \"What time is it now?\" and the answer would be \"It\'s …now.\" There are different ways to express the time in English. For example, you can use the term \"o\'clock\" to indicate the exact hour.


1. In English, you can ask \"What time is it now?\" or \"What\'s the time?\" to inquire about the current time. 2. For the second question about Tom walking to school every day, you can say \"Tom walks to school every day\" or \"Tom goes to school on foot.\"


When translating the phrase \"现在是11:00,\" you would say \"It is 11:00, we can come home from school.\" Similarly, for \"现在是下午5:30,\" the translation would be \"It is 5:30 pm, we have to do my homework.\"


When someone asks \"what\'s the time?\" or \"what time is it?\" in English, you can respond with the specific time. For example, if it\'s 8:45, you can say \"it\'s a quarter to nine.\" This highlights the precise time in a creative way.

At what time do you knock off today? 你今天几点钟下班? ...

When asking about the specific time of an event, you can use phrases like \"At what time do you knock off today?\" However, the more casual version would simply be \"What time do you finish work today?\"


When translating \"现在几点了,\" the correct English version is \"What time is it?\" For the phrase \"该上英语课了,\" you would say \"It\'s time to have an English class.\"


There are different ways to express the time in English. You can use phrases like \"eight o\'clock\" or simply \"eight\" to indicate the exact hour. Similarly, \"ten o\'clock\" can also be shortened to \"ten.\"


If you want to inquire about the current time in a different location, you can ask \"What time is it in (the other person\'s city)?\" For example, \"What time is it in New York?\" The response could be \"It\'s 5pm in Beijing.\"


When asking about a specific time on a clock, you would use \"what time.\" For example, \"What time does your father go to work?\" On the other hand, \"when\" is used for general time-related inquiries, such as \"When does your father go to work?\"