> 文章列表 > 几点了英文





When someone asks you \"几点了?\" in Chinese, the correct response in English would be \"What is the time (now)\". For example, \"What is the time of departure?\" or \"What is the time on your watch?\" These phrases are commonly used to inquire about the current time in English.


When it comes to asking for the time in English, there are several ways to phrase it. You can say \"What time is it now?\" or \"Do you know what time it is?\" These phrases are simple and effective in getting the information you need about the current time.


In English, when you want to ask \"几点了?\", you can simply say \"What\'s the time?\" and the response could be \"It\'s six o\'clock.\" This exchange is a common way to communicate about time in English-speaking countries.


If you want to know the time and it is eight o\'clock, you can ask \"What is the time?\" and the answer would be \"It is eight o\'clock.\" This straightforward question and answer format is a quick way to convey time information in English.


The difference between \"what time\" and \"when\" lies in their focus on time. \"What time\" is usually used to inquire about a specific hour or moment when something is happening, while \"when\" can also ask about the timing of events but with a broader perspective. Both can be used with \"at\" to indicate a specific time reference in English.


When discussing time expressions like \"at night\" or \"at noon,\" it\'s important to remember the use of prepositions and articles. In English, \"at\" is used with specific time points like noon and night because they refer to specific times of day. The use of articles like \"the\" or omitting them depends on the fixed expression and should be learned accordingly.

at 和in的区别在哪里?为什么早上是in morning 而中午是at noo

The distinction between \"at\" and \"in\" for time expressions is based on the duration and specificity of time referenced. \"In\" is used for longer periods of time, such as \"in the morning,\" while \"at\" is used for specific points in time, like \"at noon.\" Understanding these prepositions and their usage with time expressions is key to accurate language comprehension.


When you want to ask for the time in English, you can simply say \"What\'s the time?\" This phrase is a direct and clear way to inquire about the current time. Feel free to ask for help or clarification on any English language topics as you continue your studies.


When expressing a time with components like the day of the week, the hour, and the minute in English, it\'s best to follow a specific order. Start with the location, then specify the time with the hour and minute, and finally include the day of the week or date. For example, \"We will have a Christmas party at home at six o\'clock on Wednesday.\"


If someone asks you \"现在几点了?\" in Chinese and you want to say it\'s \"十点五十二分\" in English, you would respond with \"What time is it now? It\'s eight minutes to eleven.\" This conversion from Chinese to English demonstrates the importance of clarity and precision in communicating time information.