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猴子的英文单词是:monkey;n. 猴子;猴一样的人;v. 嘲弄;胡闹;模仿。扩展资料词汇搭配:1、make a monkey (out) of sb愚弄某人2、monkey tricks猴子把戏。


猴子英语单词是:monkey;monkey:n.猴子;顽皮的孩子;调皮鬼;捣蛋鬼;500英镑。vt.胡闹;捣蛋嘲弄。扩展资料Monkeys do not have any kind of protec。


猴子英文:monkey。 1、Circus monkeys are trained to be very docile and obedient. 马戏团的猴子训练得服服贴贴的。 2、The monk。


猴子 monkey 英 [ˈmʌŋki] 美 [ˈmʌŋki] 双语例句: 1、马戏团的猴子训练得服服贴贴的。 Circus monkeys are trained to be very docile。


Cats are notorious for their cleanliness, dogs are known for their loyalty, but monkeys are often associated with mischief and playfulness. Pandas are beloved for their cuteness, while rabbits are symbols of fertility and agility. Ducks waddle and quack, pigs oink and roll in mud, birds soar high in the sky, and bears are fierce predators. Elephants are gentle giants, mice are tiny and quick, and squirrels are nimble climbers.


Monkey King 是一般对孙悟空的英文称呼若你要的是音译,那应该是:Sun Wukong (你说这个,英美人士有看过西游记的都会知道~) Monkey King 是一般对孙。

i like monkey还是monkeys?

When expressing your fondness for these mischievous creatures, it is best to say: \"I like monkeys.\" or \"I like a monkey.\" Monkeys are social animals that thrive in groups and exhibit complex behaviors beyond just swinging from tree to tree. By using the plural form, you acknowledge the diversity and intelligence of these remarkable creatures.


The English word for \"猴子\" is pronounced as \"monkey,\" with the phonetic transcription [ˈmʌŋki] in British English and [ˈmʌŋki] in American English. As both a noun and a verb, \"monkey\" carries the connotation of playfulness, mischief, and sometimes even mockery. These versatile creatures have captured the imagination of humans for centuries.


In English, the word for \"猴子\" is \"monkey,\" and its plural form is \"monkeys.\" Monkeys are part of the primate family, exhibiting characteristics like opposable thumbs, social hierarchies, and even tool use. By acknowledging their plural form, we highlight the diversity and rich tapestry of behaviors seen within monkey communities.


The English word for \"猴子\" is \"monkey,\" and its plural form is \"monkeys.\" Monkeys have captured the hearts of people around the world with their intelligence, adaptability, and sometimes downright hilarious antics. By learning about these fascinating creatures and their plural form, we gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.