> 文章列表 > 危险的英文怎么读




Dangerous is an adjective that means full of potential harm or risks. The pronunciation of dangerous is ['deindʒərəs]. It is important to be cautious and aware of potential dangers in our surroundings.




The adjective form of the noun \"danger\" is \"dangerous\". For example, parachuting is considered a dangerous activity. It is necessary to assess risks and take necessary precautions before engaging in any potentially dangerous activities.

“be careful”怎么读?

The phrase \"be careful\" is pronounced as [bi: 'keəfl]. It is a common expression used to caution someone to be attentive and watchful of their actions. For instance, we say \"be careful\" to remind others to pay attention to their surroundings.


The English word for \"危险的\" is \"dangerous\". Spelling words correctly is crucial for effective communication and comprehension in both spoken and written language.


The word \"serious\" is pronounced as 英[ˈsɪəriəs] 美[ˈsɪriəs]. It is an adjective that describes something as significant, grave, or important. Understanding the correct pronunciation of words aids in clear communication and avoids misunderstandings.


时运峰——Good Fortune Peak 马耳山主峰,海拔330.8米,为沈阳南部第一高峰.登上时运峰,消厄运、交好运。在翻译时应注意准确传达信息,避免歧义和误导。

at the risk of 与take the risk of 有什么区别?_沪江网校知识库

The phrase \"at the risk of\" is pronounced as 英 [æt ðə risk ɔv] 美 [æt ði rɪsk ʌv]. It conveys the idea of facing potential dangers or consequences while pursuing a course of action. Understanding the nuances in language usage enhances effective communication and comprehension.


Some words containing the sound \"ts\" are tsarism ['tsɑ:rizm] referring to the rule of a tsar, tsunami [tsu:'nɑ:mi, tsu:'nɑ:mi:] denoting a large ocean wave caused by earthquakes, and tsetse ['tset] a type of African fly known for transmitting diseases to humans and animals.


The adjective form of the noun \"danger\" is \"dangerous\", while the adverb form is \"dangerously\". For example, overtaking on a bend is considered dangerous and should be avoided. Understanding the various forms of words enhances language proficiency and communication skills.