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元宵节这个传统的中国节日在英文中被称为Lantern Festival。这一节日通常在农历正月十五举行,人们会吃汤圆、赏花灯、猜灯谜、舞狮等,是中国的重要传统节日。


In English, 元宵节 is translated as Lantern Festival, which is a festival of lanterns celebrated on the first full moon in the lunar calendar. It is a time for families to come together and enjoy various activities like lantern displays and riddle guessing games.

Spring Festival是什么意思

The English term Spring Festival refers to the Chinese traditional festival known as the Spring Festival, commonly referred to as the Chinese New Year. It is a time of family reunions, feasting, and cultural celebrations, and is one of the most significant holidays in the Chinese calendar.


在元宵节, 人们会吃甜甜的汤圆(eating sweet dumplings),观赏灯笼秀或花灯节(lantern show, lantern festival),放鞭炮(setting off firecrackers),还会一起猜灯谜(Guess the riddle)。这些活动都给元宵节增添了欢乐和祥和的氛围。


It is the time of Lantern Festival when families gather to eat tangyuan, admire decorative lanterns, and engage in the tradition of guessing riddles. The Lantern Festival is a time of joy and togetherness, symbolizing the coming of spring and prosperity.


The pronunciation of Lantern Festival is ['læntən] ['festəvəl]. It is a celebration full of light and laughter, symbolizing the warmth and happiness of the season.


一些常见的节日英语单词包括:New Year\'s Day(元旦)、the Spring Festival(春节)、the Lantern Festival(元宵节)。这些节日代表着不同文化的传统和价值观,让人们在不同时间感受到不同的快乐和祝福。


The correct English translation for 元宵节 is the Lantern Festival. This festival is a time of warmth and light, bringing people together in celebration and joy.