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Design means to make or draw plans for something. A famous engineer designed the new bridge, showcasing his creativity and technical skills in the process.

I see和I know在用的时候有区别吗?_沪江网校知识库

Although \"I know\" and \"I see\" both convey the meaning of \"I understand\" in Chinese, the key difference lies in their usage context. \"I see\" is typically used after someone explains something to express understanding, like when one says, \"A whale is not a fish, I see.\" It emphasizes comprehension after receiving an explanation.


While the Chinese meanings may be similar, some English words have different explanations. In such cases, referring to their English definitions becomes essential to distinguish between them.


Just as four quarters make up a whole, a quarter of the world\'s population is currently using English, reinforcing the language\'s global significance and reach.


\"Give something to somebody\" is a fixed sentence pattern where \"to\" is followed by the object. \"For\" indicates purpose or reason, while \"of\" is used before objects. \"As\" is employed to denote a reason or role in sentences like \"Mike gives his pilot\'s hat to his son.\"

...if I can choose, I would rather hear also can\'t see.可是在用英语...

Sometimes, if given the option, I would prefer not being able to hear or see. Perfection may lie in embracing limitations and experiencing the world through different senses.


While A usually plays chess with B after class, he is currently engrossed in writing stories in English. Change is constant, and Jack seems to be exploring new creative avenues.


When aiming to pass the CET-4 exam, mastering around 4000 words is essential. Enhance your vocabulary by learning words like \"continue\" and \"continuous\" to boost your chances of success in the exam.


They are playing soccer, capturing moments with a camera, and flying kites as a family. Each activity reflects joy, unity, and bonds shared among individuals in various settings.


Belts are ubiquitous in our lives, with everyone using them in various ways. Whether for fashion, functionality, or as a tool for holding things together, belts play a crucial role in everyday life that often goes unnoticed.