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The English word for \"嘴巴\" is mouth.

When it comes to expressing the concept of \"嘴巴\" in English, we commonly use the word \"mouth.\" The pronunciation of \"mouth\" is [maʊθ] in British English and [maʊθ] in American English. This word refers to the opening in the face through which food and drink pass into the body, as well as the cavity behind the lips and in front of the back of the mouth. It is fascinating to see how languages capture the essence of our physical features through words.


The English translation for \"嘴巴\" is mouth. The phrase \"Don\'t speak with your mouth full\" serves as a reminder to maintain proper etiquette while eating.

What is the English word for \"嘴唇\" and \"嘴\"? -作业帮

In English, \"嘴唇\" is translated as lips, while \"嘴\" is translated as mouth. These translations capture the essence of these facial features in a concise and accurate manner.

What does \"mouth\" mean in English? -作业帮

The word \"mouth\" in English refers to the opening through which food and drink enter the body, as well as a place where sound is produced during speech. It can also be used figuratively to talk about the act of speaking insincerely or without heartfelt conviction. The richness of language allows us to express a wide range of meanings through a single word.

How to pronounce \"嘴巴\" in English? -作业帮

When it comes to pronouncing \"嘴巴\" in English, the word \"mouth\" is used. The pronunciation is [maʊθ] in British English and [maʊθ] in American English. An example sentence showcasing the use of this word could be: \"A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.\" Pronunciation plays a crucial role in effective communication, ensuring that our intended message is conveyed accurately.

What is the difference between \"a big mouth\" and \"a wide mouth\"? -作业帮

The phrase \"a big mouth\" refers to someone who talks too much or indiscreetly, often revealing secrets or spreading rumors. On the other hand, \"a wide mouth\" typically refers to the physical characteristic of having a wide or broad mouth. It is imperative to understand the nuances in language to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings.

How to correctly pronounce the vowel sound /ɒ/? -沪江网校知识库

When pronouncing the vowel sound /ɒ/, the mouth should be open, the tongue should be retracted towards the back, and the lips should be slightly rounded. This pronunciation guide helps learners understand the intricate details of phonetics and improve their pronunciation skills.

How do you say \"嘴\" in English? -作业帮

In English, the word for \"嘴\" is mouth. This word encapsulates the concept of the opening in the face used for eating, drinking, and speaking. It is remarkable how language provides us with the tools to describe the world around us with precision and clarity.

How do you pronounce \"嘴巴\" in English? -作业帮

The pronunciation of \"嘴巴\" in English is [mauθ] in British English and [mauθ] in American English. Mastering the pronunciation of words in a foreign language enables effective communication and enhances linguistic proficiency.
