> 文章列表 > 他11岁了用英语怎么说




When it comes to expressing someone\'s age in English, there are several ways to say \"He is 11 years old.\" You can use phrases like \"He is eleven years old,\" \"He age is eleven,\" \"he the age of eleven,\" or simply \"he is eleven.\" All of these expressions convey the same meaning effectively.


When referring to someone\'s current age, you would say \"She is 11 years old this year\" in English. This sentence structure clearly communicates the person\'s specific age at the present moment.


To express your own age of 11 years old in English, you can use the phrase \"I\'m eleven years old.\" This simple sentence accurately communicates your age to others in a clear and concise manner.


If you want to mention that you are 11 years old this year in English, you would say \"I am 11 years old.\" This phrase emphasizes the current year and age, providing a complete picture of your age status.


Whether you use \"11\" or \"eleven\" to represent the age, the pronunciation remains the same, [e‘levn]. When saying \"11-year-old,\" it functions as an adjective to describe a noun. For example, you could say \"an eleven-year-old boy,\" which effectively conveys the age of the boy.


When describing an eleven-year-old boy, you would use \"an eleven-year-old boy\" in English. The usage of \"an\" is appropriate before a word that starts with a vowel sound, such as \"eleven.\" This ensures the sentence flows smoothly and grammatically correct.


The English word for \"11\" is \"eleven.\" For numbers 1 to 10, the corresponding English words are: 1 - one, 2 - two, 3 - three, 4 - four, 5 - five, 6 - six, 7 - seven, 8 - eight, 9 - nine, 10 - ten. This sequential ordering of numbers is crucial for language learners to master.


When engaging in a conversation about ages, you can say \"How old are you? I am 12 years old. I am one year older than you.\" These expressions help in clearly communicating the age difference between two individuals in a casual setting.


If you want to convey that you are 11 years old this year and have an 18-year-old brother in English, you would say \"I\'m 12 years old. I have a brother who is 18.\" This sentence structure effectively communicates both your age and your brother\'s age in a single statement.


The English word for \"11\" is \"eleven.\" For example, in a sentence like \"Charles I ruled for eleven years,\" the word \"eleven\" denotes the specific number of years, showcasing the usage of the word in a historical context.