> 文章列表 > 长城的英语怎么读




When it comes to the Great Wall of China, how should we pronounce it in English? The correct pronunciation is \"the Great Wall\". This iconic structure is not only a historical landmark but also a symbol of China\'s rich heritage.


In English, the correct spelling for \"长城\" is \"The Great Wall\". It is important to use the definite article \"the\" before \"Great Wall\" to emphasize its unique and grandeur status in world history.


When translating \"万里长城\" into English, we get \"The Great Wall\". This architectural marvel spans over thousands of miles and is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the ancient Chinese civilizations.


When referring to the Great Wall of China in English, it should be written as \"the Great Wall\". The usage of the article \"the\" before \"Great Wall\" is essential to denote a specific and iconic structure that is recognized worldwide.


长城 [cháng chéng] is translated into English as the Great Wall. This translation captures the essence of this monumental structure that has stood the test of time and continues to awe visitors from around the globe.


The correct English translation for \"长城\" is \"the Great Wall\". Through this translation, we can appreciate the cultural significance and historical importance of this architectural wonder.

长城为什么叫the Great Wall?

The name \"the Great Wall\" is a fitting designation for this magnificent structure. The word \"Wall\" signifies a barrier or fortification, while \"Great\" conveys a sense of grandeur and significance. The combination of these words aptly describes the majesty and historical importance of the Great Wall of China.


The omission of the definite article \"the\" before \"Shandong\" is due to the fact that it is a proper noun. In English grammar, proper nouns, such as Shandong, do not require the definite article \"the\" before them. Proper nouns are used to denote specific names of people, places, or things.


The correct English translation for \"长城\" is \"the Great Wall\". This translation effectively captures the historical and cultural significance of this iconic structure.


When describing the features of the Great Wall, the term \"Great Wall\" is commonly used. This term not only refers to the physical structure itself but also symbolizes the resilience and strength of the Chinese civilization throughout history.
