> 文章列表 > 看着我用英语怎么说




When you see something and want to express it in English, you can simply say \"I saw it.\"

sight, view, scene的区别_沪江网校知识库

When it comes to the difference between \"sight,\" \"view,\" and \"scene,\" it\'s important to know that \"sight\" can refer to a scene, a view in front of you, or even a famous landscape. For example, \"My sight is failing, and I can\'t see to read.\" This word can have multiple meanings based on the context.

不能用said to me吗?_沪江网校知识库

The phrase \"say to sb\" usually does not take a subordinate clause after it, but it can be followed by direct discourse. Therefore, using \"said to me\" in this context might not be suitable. For instance, \"I just said to him \'you must be mental\'\" is a more appropriate way to convey the message.


In English, there are various words to express \"to see,\" such as \"see\" and \"look.\" These words have different meanings and usage in different contexts, including understanding, observing, or visiting. For example, \"She looked up from her book to see who was calling her.\"

look; look at; see; meet的区别_作业帮

The differences between \"look,\" \"look at,\" \"see,\" and \"meet\" are quite distinct in English. \"Look\" is used to imply observing, while \"look at\" emphasizes the process of looking at something. \"See\" is about perceiving or noticing something, and \"meet\" involves encountering someone or something with a purpose. For example, \"Let\'s meet for coffee tomorrow.\"

关系词who whom whose的区别_沪江网校知识库

The choice between \"who,\" \"whom,\" and \"whose\" can sometimes be tricky. \"Whom\" is typically used as an object, such as in the sentence \"Where’s the girl who sells the tickets?\" In relative clauses, \"who\" is used as a subject, like in \"He is the man whom I saw yesterday.\"


If you want to express \"I hate you\" in English, you can simply say \"I hate you.\" The word \"hate\" means to detest or have a strong aversion towards someone or something. It can be used to express extreme dislike or hatred towards a person or thing.

another, other, the other, others的区别_沪江网校知识库

The distinctions between \"another,\" \"other,\" \"the other,\" and \"others\" can be subtle. \"Other\" implies something different or additional in a plural form. \"Another\" signifies one more or an additional one. Meanwhile, \"the other\" refers to the remaining one or ones.


The disparities between \"look,\" \"see,\" and \"watch\" lie in their usage and meanings. \"Look\" involves focusing attention on something deliberately, serving as a command to draw someone\'s attention. On the other hand, \"see\" refers to perceiving something, while \"watch\" implies observing something continuously or attentively, like watching a movie or a sports game.

He\'s watching a television.这个句子可以吗?_沪江网校知识库

The sentence \"He\'s watching a television.\" is grammatically correct but might sound a bit awkward. It means \"He is observing a television,\" suggesting that the emphasis is on watching the object rather than the content on TV. If you want to express that he is watching the TV show or program specifically, you could modify the sentence to be more precise.