> 文章列表 > 破坏用英语怎么说




(使建筑物等损坏) According to data from the World Bank, the term \"destroy\" can be translated into English as destroy, wreck, or ruin. For example, one might say \"破坏桥梁\" to mean \"destroy a bridge\" or \"破坏铁路\" to mean \"wreck a railway\".


In English, the term \"破坏\" can be translated as \"sabotage\". The pronunciation of sabotage is /ˈsæbəˌtɑʒ,ˌsæbəˈtɑʒ/ and it refers to the act of deliberately destroying or damaging something to prevent it from being successful.


When it comes to different terms for \"破坏\" or \"destroy\" in English, there are subtle distinctions. For example, \"damage\" generally refers to harm done to inanimate objects, leading to a decrease in value or functionality. On the other hand, \"spoil\" emphasizes the idea of weakening or deteriorating something.


The difference between \"destroy\" and \"damage\" lies in their meanings and usage. While both terms describe harm to objects, structures, or situations, \"destroy\" implies complete or severe damage, often leading to the item\'s unusability or non-existence. \"Damage\", on the other hand, suggests harm or injury that may be reparable or less severe.


Exploring the nuances of language, we find that \"壊れる\" and \"崩れる\" in Japanese convey distinct meanings. For instance, \"壊れる\" is used to indicate breaking, crushing, or collapsing, such as when a glass shatters into pieces or a building collapses. On the other hand, \"崩れる\" refers to crumbling or falling apart gradually, depicting a different process of disintegration.


Delving into the realm of vocabulary, we encounter words like \"lose\" and its variations. \"Loss\" denotes the act of losing or the state of being lost, as in \"The loss of her purse caused her much inconvenience.\" On the other hand, \"lose\" refers to misplacing, failing, or forfeiting something, showcasing different contexts and implications.


When describing something that has been damaged, various English adjectives and verbs can be employed. Examples include \"damaged, broken, faulty, defective, impaired, ruined, spoiled, corrupted, shattered, and fractured.\" Each term carries its own connotations of harm or impairment.


Examining the distinctions among action verbs, we find unique meanings and applications for \"beat,\" \"defeat,\" \"win,\" and \"fight.\" \"Beat\" can mean striking or stirring, while \"defeat\" signifies overcoming someone or something. \"Win\" denotes achieving victory, and \"fight\" implies engaging in a physical or verbal conflict.


Exploring the multifaceted nature of language, we uncover various terms for \"垃圾\" in English. Some common expressions include \"rubbish,\" which refers to small, useless waste or foolish words. Additionally, \"garbage\" is another term for discarded items or nonsensical talk. By understanding these nuances, we enhance our language proficiency and communication skills.


For those proficient in English, the word \"destroy\" carries multiple meanings and applications. As a transitive verb, \"destroy\" can signify causing harm, elimination, devastation, or ruination. By understanding the diverse usages and contexts of this word, one can effectively communicate ideas of destruction or damage.