> 文章列表 > 收藏用英语怎么说




When it comes to the word \"收藏\" in English, we can use \"collection\" or \"collect\".


For \"收藏\", the English translation includes \"collect\", \"house\", \"store up\", \"stow collect\", and \"favorites\". People often use empty books to preserve their collections, such as stamps.


The word \"treasure\" can be used as both countable and uncountable nouns. When used as an uncountable noun, it refers to riches, wealth, or valuables. It is said that pirates buried their treasures on certain islands, creating mysteries that continue to fascinate many.


In Chinese, \"treasure\" translates to \"宝物\" or \"财富\" as a noun, and \"珍爱\", \"重视\", or \"储藏\" as a verb. It\'s interesting to note that the word \"treasure\" has various forms, including an adjective \"treasurable\" and verb forms like \"treasured\" and \"treasuring\", adding depth to its usage.


If you are using the English app \"FluentU\" and want to access your collection of words, simply open the app and click on the \"words\" button in the top right corner. From there, you can find your saved words under \"my vocabulary\" or \"favorite words\". This feature can help English learners organize and review their vocabulary efficiently.


To express the idea of having collected some storybooks for three years, you can say \"I have had three storybooks and a bag in the desk for three years\". This sentence not only conveys the duration of the collection but also provides a clear image of where the items are stored.


For the word \"collect\" in English, the pronunciation is often \"kuh-lekt\". Additionally, terms like \"store up\" and \"enshrine\" can also be used to describe the act of collecting or preserving items. For example, people may collect old paintings or art curiosities as part of their beloved collections.


When it comes to the English translation of \"宝藏\", the word \"treasure\" is commonly used. It can refer to riches, wealth, precious items, or valuables. The verb form of \"treasure\" includes actions like cherishing, valuing, storing, and treasuring items of significance.