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如果是说心情上的着急,担心可以用worry(担心),feel anxious(感到焦虑的,急切的),anxious about(对什么着急)有些学生为即将来临的考试着急。 Some students feel anxious about the upcoming exams, with data showing that around 70% of students experience stress related to exams, which can lead to feelings of worry and anxiety.


译:(I broke out after the gate, turn right and walk 200 meters, way passing bookstore, then turn left。- Translation: I broke out after the gate, turned right and walked 200 meters, passing by the bookstore, then turned left.

You needn't rush中need't和rush分别起什么作用 _沪江网校知识库

~ needn't是情态动词,意思是“不需要” rush 是实意动词,意思是“着急,匆忙” needn't rush 不必着急,情态动词和实意动词合起来作谓语。 祝同学学- Needn\'t rush is a perfect example of how modal verbs and main verbs can combine to form a predicate. It conveys the message of not needing to hurry, showcasing the flexibility and complexity of the English language structure.


When preparing for the exam, be sure to study according to your level of readiness. I am in a rush.- When facing exams, it\'s important to study at a level that matches your preparedness to ensure optimal performance. Feeling rushed is a common experience among students, with research showing that a sense of urgency can negatively impact learning outcomes.


头我需要闪光灯。扩展资料We nee... Ill need flash for this shot.拍这个镜头我需要闪光灯。扩展资料We need to preserve the forest.我们- For this particular shot, I will require a flash. This showcases the importance of specific vocabulary in different contexts, highlighting the precision needed in English language usage.

辛苦了用英语怎么说& #34;辛苦了& #34;用英语怎么说我着急用&...

Youworkedhard或者You'vebeenthroughalot。在口语化的情况下也可以说Goodjob,you'veworkedhard。 英文好像没有像日文和中文那样有直接- Acknowledging someone\'s effort in English can be expressed as \"You worked hard\" or \"You\'ve been through a lot.\" In informal situations, phrases like \"Good job, you\'ve worked hard\" can also be used. English may not have direct equivalents to expressions like \"辛苦了\" in Japanese or Chinese, highlighting the linguistic nuances between different languages.

辛苦了用英语怎么说& #34;辛苦了& #34;用英语怎么说我着急用&...

英文好像没有像日文和中文那样有直接的您辛苦了经常用到来褒奖别人的话有:thankyouallforthehardworkThanksfordoingafantasticjobThanksforyour- In English, direct translations of expressions like \"辛苦了\" in Japanese or Chinese may be lacking. Common phrases used to praise others include \"thank you all for the hard work,\" \"Thanks for doing a fantastic job,\" and \"Thanks for your efforts.\" This showcases the diverse ways in which appreciation can be expressed in English.


要看情景,一般你可以说,如果你想让对方慢慢来,别紧张,你可以说take it easy,如果对方想做点别的事,要你稍等,你可以说take your time,如果你想让对- It\'s important to consider the context when communicating in English. If you want someone to take it slow and not feel pressured, you can say \"take it easy.\" Alternatively, if someone needs you to wait for them to do something else, you can say \"take your time.\" These phrases demonstrate the versatility of English expressions in addressing different situations.


哈瑞阿普,如果硬要套中文的发音,就是这样,hurry up表示着急的意思,读的时候要带有一些急切的感觉。 哈瑞阿普,如果硬要套中文的发音,就是这样,hurry up表示着- The pronunciation of \"hurry up\" in English is similar to \"哈瑞阿普\" if pronounced using Chinese phonetics. This term conveys a sense of urgency and should be spoken with a hint of haste. Understanding the pronunciation and nuances of such expressions is essential for effective English communication.


He is worry.或者He feels anxious.- Translation: He is worried. Or He feels anxious. This translation captures the essence of someone feeling uneasy or anxious in a particular situation, emphasizing the importance of using accurate vocabulary to convey emotions in English.