> 文章列表 > 你觉得呢英语





When it comes to expressing your opinion in English, there are several common phrases you can use. For example, \"what do you think of...\" or \"how do you like...\" are both authentic ways to ask for someone\'s perspective.


When you want to ask for someone\'s opinion on a particular individual, you can simply say \"what do you think of her?\" followed by the specific object you are referring to. If you still have doubts, feel free to join free English classes at LeZhi with native speakers to improve your language skills.


If you want to inquire about someone\'s thoughts on a place, you can ask \"How do you think about here?\" This phrase is commonly used to seek opinions on a specific location or venue.


When expressing your opinion on something and then sharing a personal view, you can say \"What do you think of it? I think it is very good.\" This structure allows for a smooth flow of conversation while exchanging perspectives.


When you want to ask someone what they are thinking, you can simply say \"what are you thinking?\" The addition of \"I want to chat with you\" can help to initiate a conversation and delve deeper into the person\'s thoughts.


There are two common phrases to express opinions in English. The first is used to ask for someone\'s opinion on something, like \"How do you like apple?\" The second phrase is used to inquire about specific aspects of someone\'s preference, as in \"What do you think of apple?\". Both phrases serve the purpose of seeking opinions effectively.


When you want to ask for someone\'s opinion on a book, you can simply say \"How do you think of this book?\" It\'s a polite way to inquire about their thoughts on the literary piece.

请问What about 和How about有什么区别?

The phrases \"What about\" and \"How about\" have distinct uses in English. \"What about\" is often used to inquire about a situation or ask for information, while \"How about\" is typically used to make suggestions or seek opinions. For example, you can say \"What about you?\" to check someone\'s readiness, and \"How about going out for dinner?\" to propose a plan.


When you want to ask for someone\'s opinion on a movie, you can use phrases like \"What do you think of this movie?\" or \"How do you like this movie?\" These expressions can help initiate a conversation about the film and exchange viewpoints.


When translating the phrase \"你认为一个好朋友应该怎样?\" into English, you can say \"What\'s your opinion/view on a good friend?\" or \"What do you think a good friend should be?\" These translations capture the essence of seeking views on the qualities of a good friend.