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When it comes to translating “长城” into English, many people would say it is “GrateWall”. However, in a more standard translation, we would use “The Great Wall” to retain the original meaning and significance of this iconic structure in China.

为什么长城的英语是great wall不是long wall

There are two main reasons why the English translation of “长城” is “The Great Wall” rather than “The Long Wall”. Firstly, it is due to the differences in language nuances. The Chinese word “长” carries a broader range of meanings beyond just “long”, such as \"strengths, excellence\", \"skillful\", and \"utmost\".


When it comes to translating the phrase “万里长城” into English, it is commonly rendered as “The Great Wall”. For example, we can say, \"The Great Wall is a wonder of the world.\"


Despite some misconceptions, the most common and appropriate translation for “万里长城” is indeed “The Great Wall” in English. While there are alternative translations like “Chinese Wall” or “The Great Wall of China”, the standard and widely accepted term remains “The Great Wall”.

view, sight, scene, scenery的区别

The words “view”, “sight”, “scene”, and “scenery” each have distinct meanings in English. A “view” refers to what is visible from a particular location, while a “sight” is something seen or worth seeing. “Scene” typically refers to a specific view or setting, and “scenery” encompasses the overall landscape or backdrop.


When it comes to describing the Great Wall in English, we commonly use the phrase “The Great Wall”. Additionally, specific sections of the wall may be referred to with terms like “the south great wall”, “the Qi Great Wall”, and others to distinguish different parts of this magnificent structure.


For those seeking information about the Great Wall in English, common questions include “How high is the Great Wall?”, “What is it made of?”, and “What is its purpose?” The Great Wall stands at a height of 7.5 meters and is constructed primarily of brick, stone, and other materials for defensive purposes.


When using the term “Great Wall” in English sentences, the word “the” is typically included to denote a specific and well-known structure. However, in the context of standalone words or titles, such as in dictionaries or lists, the word “the” is usually omitted.


The Great Wall is one of the world\'s most renowned wonders, spanning across vast landscapes and embodying centuries of history. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and determination, attracting visitors from around the globe to marvel at its grandeur and significance.