> 文章列表 > 下雪的用英语怎么说




In English, \"下雪\" is translated as \"snow\". The word \"snow\" can be used as both a noun and a verb. For example, you can say \"It is snowing\" to indicate that it is currently snowing outside. This versatile word captures the beauty and wonder of winter precipitation.

老师,表示下雨了是It rains.下雪了是It snows.我想问的是为...

When it comes to weather verbs in English, \"rain\" and \"snow\" are both action words. In present tense, when the subject is in the third-person singular form, the verbs are modified with an \'s\'. For example, \"It rains\" and \"It snows\". On the other hand, \"hot\" and \"cold\" are adjectives describing temperature. Understanding these linguistic nuances can help in mastering English expression related to weather.


In English, \"下雪\" is translated as \"snow\". The word \"snow\" encompasses the beauty of snowflakes falling from the sky and covering the ground in a blanket of white. This seasonal phenomenon delights people of all ages around the world.


The adjective form of \"snow\" is \"snowy\". When you describe something as \"snowy\", you are referring to it being covered in or characterized by snow. This word captures the serene and picturesque quality of a snowy landscape, creating a winter wonderland effect.


When you want to express \"下雪的\" in English, the word you are looking for is \"snowy\". By using the adjective \"snowy\", you can vividly depict scenes or objects that are related to or covered in snow. Your support in learning and spreading knowledge is a great motivation for both personal growth and helping others.


While the English word \"snow\" translates to \"雪\" in Chinese, the equivalent term for \"下雨\" is simply \"rain\". Both meteorological conditions have distinct linguistic representations in Chinese, allowing for clear differentiation in communication about weather phenomena.


Although \"snowy\" and \"snow\" are both related to snow, they have different meanings and usage. \"Snowy\" specifically conveys the presence or characteristic of snow, indicating something being snowy or covered in snow. On the other hand, \"snow\" is the more general term for the frozen precipitation itself.


It\'s important not to mix up \"snow\" and \"slowly\" in English. While \"snow\" refers to the icy precipitation that falls from the sky, \"slowly\" is an adverb used to describe the speed or manner of an action. Avoid confusion by remembering that \"snow\" is about winter wonderland and \"slowly\" is about the pace of movement.

She had hardly arrived when it began to snow.

The phrase \"hardly arrived when\" indicates that something happened almost immediately after the arrival. In this context, \"She had hardly arrived when it began to snow\" suggests that the snowfall started shortly after her arrival, creating a cozy and picturesque setting.

下雪的 英语单词怎么写??

To write \"下雪的\" in English, the word you are looking for is \"snowy\". This adjective captures the essence of snow, describing something as covered in snow or having a snowy appearance. Enhance your vocabulary with this term to paint vivid imagery related to winter scenes.