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The Great Wall is the English translation of 长城.


长城是中华民族的骄傲,也是中华文明的象征。将其译为The Great Wall,不仅仅是因为其长度之长,更是因为其雄伟壮观的景观和历史背景。

View, Sight, Scene, Scenery的区别

In English, \"view\" refers to a sight or scene that can be seen, while \"sight\" specifically refers to something worth seeing or a tourist attraction. \"Scene\" refers to a specific view or sight, while \"scenery\" describes the natural beauty of a landscape.

For example, when visiting Hong Kong, you can enjoy the beautiful views of the city on a bus tour, or you can walk around the town and admire the sights. Each word has a slightly different nuance in English.


长城的英文名为The Great Wall,故宫译为Palace Museum,而天坛则被称为Temple of Heaven。这三个名称都在一定程度上反映了中国的历史文化和建筑风格。

The Great Wall的翻译并非简单地以长与伟大来形容,而是将其历史意义和壮丽景观完美结合在一起。

长城翻译为\"The Great Wall\"的原因

长城被翻译为“The Great Wall”而非“Long Wall”的原因在于,除了强调其长度之外,更侧重于其伟大而雄伟的历史背景。作为世界奇迹之一,长城承载着中华民族的荣耀和传统。




例如,我们可以说:“I walked on the Great Wall”来表达我们在长城上行走的场景。


The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world, spanning 8851.8 kilometers from Hushan in Liaodong to Jiayuguan in the west. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of China\'s rich history and culture.

Constructed by hand with stone blocks, the wall is 6-7 meters tall and 4-5 meters wide. It attracts millions of visitors annually, who come to marvel at its grandeur and witness the testament to ancient Chinese engineering and craftsmanship.
