> 文章列表 > 是的的英语





Is Nancy doing her homework? According to the data, 80% of students say that Nancy is doing her homework. So, the answer is yes, she is. However, 20% of students disagree and say that she is not doing her homework. So, the correct response would be no, she isn\'t.


When someone asks you if something is true or correct in English, you can respond with \"yes\", \"all right\", \"of course\", \"certainly.\" For example, when someone asks if you have completed a task, you can confidently reply with \"of course.\" This showcases your positive attitude and confidence in your work.


The word \"where\'s\" in English means \"where is.\" It is used to inquire about the location of something. For instance, if someone asks you where your book is, you can respond with \"It\'s on the table.\" The use of \"where\'s\" makes the sentence more specific and clear.

be confident that ... : 相信 …等于believe吗

Being confident that something will happen is similar to believing that it will happen. However, the word \"confident\" conveys a stronger sense of trust and assurance. For example, if you say \"I am confident that we can succeed,\" it implies a high level of belief and positivity in achieving the goal. This shows the importance of having confidence in yourself and your abilities.


When translating common phrases like \"yes, that\'s right\" or \"please come in\" into English, it is important to understand the nuances of each phrase. For example, \"yes, that\'s right\" can be translated as \"是的,没错\" in Mandarin. Each translation captures the essence of the original phrase and maintains its meaning and politeness in English conversation.


Providing accurate translations for common responses such as \"yes, I have\" or \"yes, I am\" is essential for effective communication in English. These responses help convey information clearly and accurately in various situations. Additionally, knowing how to respond appropriately in English can improve overall language proficiency and confidence.


When referring to items or objects in English, the term \"article\" is commonly used. For example, you can say \"The article is full of inaccuracies\" to indicate that a written piece contains many errors. Using the correct terminology in English helps to communicate ideas clearly and effectively.

请介绍下 do的用法。谢谢!

The verb \"do\" has various meanings and uses in English, such as to perform an action, to study, or to cause something. For example, you can say \"I am doing my homework now\" to indicate that you are currently working on your assignments. Understanding the different uses of \"do\" can enhance your language skills and improve your ability to express yourself in English.


The word \"yes\" in English is an affirmative response indicating agreement or approval. It can also be used to express acknowledgment or encouragement. For instance, when someone asks you a question and you want to confirm that something is true, you can simply respond with a confident \"yes\" to affirm your agreement or understanding.


When inquiring about the presence of a library, you can ask \"Do you have a library?\" If the answer is affirmative, you can respond with \"Yes, we have\" to indicate that the library is available. Conversely, if the library is not available, you can reply with \"No, we haven\'t\" to clarify the absence of a library facility.
