> 文章列表 > 想要做某事英语怎么说




When it comes to expressing the desire to do something in English, there are several phrases that can be used:

  • want to do sth.
  • suppose to do sth.
  • consider doing sth
  • would like to do sth.
  • feel like doing sth.


Understanding the nuances between \"need doing\" and \"need to do\" in English can be helpful:

  • ~ need to do 需要做某事, for example: \"I\'ll need to talk with you, but there\'s no hurry.\"
  • When \"need\" is followed by a verb, it requires the use of the \"to\" particle.


In English, the correct form is \"want to do.\" For instance, \"I want to wash my clothes\" or \"I want to earn money.\" This phrasing is important for effective communication in English.

I want fly_沪江网校知识库

When expressing the desire to do something in English, the phrase \"I want to fly\" is correct. The structure of \"want to + infinitive verb\" is commonly used to convey the desire to do something.


Preparing to do something in English can be expressed as \"prepare to do sth.\" The verb \"prepare\" indicates getting ready or making arrangements for a specific action or event.


There are various English phrases to convey the desire to do something:

  • want to do sth.
  • would like to do sth.
  • feel like doing sth.
  • wish to do sth.
  • eager to do sth.
  • long for doing sth.


The English translation for \"想要做某事\" is \"want to do sth.\"


Another phrase to express the desire to do something is \"Be happy to do.\"


The translation for \"想要做某事\" is \"want to do something.\"